Higher Education is being used to boost economic conditions of emerging countries

Besides having the basic purpose of developing the career and fulfilling the ambition of the student, applying for higher education has another role in the economic development and growth of the country. Although, this role was often viewed with scepticism wherein it was considered an expensive and inefficient service that was beneficial only for those who belonged to the privilege classes. However, with the recent economic downturn issues, globalisation and opening of the national trade, and the increased opening of knowledge based competition among the global economy, debate abounds about the objective of the courses. Of course, this comes as a complete different view from the ones in the emerging economies who believe that with proper educational programs, it will help in propelling the national productivity towards growth and thereby help the country in being placed among the developed nations. This sudden realisation of learning and gaining knowledge has actually given a whole new perspective to the initiatives taken by the emerging nations that will help in boosting innovation across all market segments and see prospective growth.

Despite higher education being identified as the key driver behind the growth of the nation, there are still many challenges that needs to be overcomes. The challenges usually lie in the development process where the teaching process is to be connected with the primary and thee secondary. This will act as the basis for the educational performance, improved output and thereby contributing to the national GDP of the country. To cite an instance, the South African countries are facing immense challenge on being able to introduce mathematics and scientific knowledge in the secondary level of schooling. This has impacted adversely resulting in the stagnation of development despite the huge prospects that the countries have. But to be able to become successful, it is extremely important to be able to bridge the gap between the technological divide available today with that of the potential of thee students. Only when a seamless process exists, can the investments in developing the educational program be actually fruitful and achieve the desired results.

Some of the online career advisor will provide with the necessary guidance with the subject if the need arises. For example, sometimes, home schooling or tuitions act as the stepping stone to attain the matric pass grades and achieve the results that gets them to good college. However, depending only this is not sustainable because the aim of these tuitions is to help in attaining the minimum pass grades and this is not acceptable, especially when one considers the dynamic market that exists today. Therefore, it is way more important to concentrate on what is being taught and how it is being taught to actually be able to achieve the success in the market. Only when this step is done right, faster growth, low unemployment, reduced poverty and good healthcare facilities will be some of the things that will come to everyone in the country.

When going for a career management plan it is important to understand that characteristics of education of each country differs and therefore the approach should also be different. Since most developing countries have a fragmented policy on education, it has become extremely to formulate ones that will eventually achieve results.

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